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The Elderton Wines Blog

RECIPE | Food and wine match: Strawberry and Vanilla Panna Cotta with Elderton Golden Semillon

We often forget about desserts when it comes to food and wine matching. But we shouldn’t! Whilst a cheese plate and Command Shiraz can be the perfect finish to a meal, sometimes you need something a little extra. And this is where our Golden Semillon comes in. Today’s food and wine match recipe is Strawberry and Vanilla Panna Cotta, matched with our 2019 Golden Semillon.


The recipe:

Strawberry Jelly (bottom layer)

250g strawberry puree
125mL water
125g sugar
2 gelatine leaves (titanium strength) (soften in cold water, remove and squeeze out excess water)

Add puree, water and sugar to a saucepan and bring to the boil, add the gelatine.
Pass through a fine sieve, pour into desired moulds and chill to set.

Panna Cotta Mix (middle layer)

500mL cream
1/2 stick cinnamon
1 vanilla bean
50g sugar
1 gelatine leaf (titanium strength) (soften in cold water, remove and squeeze out excess water)

Add cream, cinnamon, vanilla bean and sugar to a saucepan and bring to a simmer, turn off and infuse for 20 minutes.
Bring back to a gentle simmer, add gelatine leaf and strain through a fine sieve.
Allow to cool, stirring every 5 minutes until it has reached blood temperature, then pour on top of jelly mixture and set.

Granola (top layer)

1 cup rolled oats
2 tbsp pepitas
2 tbsp shredded coconut
1/4 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp cinnanon
1/2 cup flaked almonds
1 tbsp vegetable oil
3 tbsp honey
1 vanilla bean
50g dried cranberries, raspberries and strawberries

Combine rolled oats, pepitas, coconut, allspice, cinnamon, dried fruit and flaked almonds.
Bring the oil, honey and vanilla bean to the boil.
Mix all ingredients together and bake at 160˚C for 15-20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes.
When cool discard the vanilla bean.
The granola is placed on top of the panna cotta just before serving.

Strawberry Sorbet (on the side)

500mL strawberry puree
85g sugar
1/2 lemon, juiced
10g glucose
10mL strawberry liqueur

Bring to the boil sugar, lemon juice, glucose, strawberry liqueur and 200mL of strawberry puree.
Pour this mixture over the remaining cold strawberry puree, this will help it to cool quicker.
Churn in an icecream machine according to manufacturer’s instructions.


Elderton Barossa Valley Golden Semillon NV bottle shot


Golden Semillon




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From the Elderton Wines archives (The Buzz Newsletter, November 2012)
This recipe was kindly provided by Chef Christian Fletcher, formerly at 1918 in Tanunda.
Christian’s desserts were so famous that if you went to dine in the restaurant you would always make sure you had room for dessert!


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