Become an Elderton Loyalty Member and enjoy exclusive members-only benefits. There is no cost to join, simply create an account and start accessing benefits straight away, including winery updates, exclusive offers, invitations to events and more.
Read about the Loyalty tiers below.

How do I become an Elderton Loyalty Member?
Becoming an Elderton Loyalty Member is easy. Simply create an account using a valid email address here. A purchase is not required to join the mailing list tier of our loyalty program.
Does it cost to join?
It is free to become an Elderton Loyalty Member.
How do I accumulate spend to reach the next tier?
Members can accumulate spend towards the Elderton Loyalty Program by making a purchase of Elderton or Small Victories wines:
- In Cellar Door
- On our website
- Via telephone or email purchase
- At Elderton ticketed events
To check your membership status, please log in to your Elderton account.
*Please note that ticket, merchandise, tasting fee and food purchases are not included in accumulated spend.
When will my loyalty tier change?
Your Elderton Loyalty Program tier is calculated on a rolling 12-month period. You will have access to your benefits from the date you reach the required accumulated spend for each tier. You will receive emails from us updating you of the required spend to remain in a tier, you can look on your online account or you can contact us to enquire.
How do I claim my benefits?
Your discount and shipping related benefits will apply automatically when you log in to your account.
To book your on-site at Elderton benefits, please contact Jodhi directly via email or phone.
Member benefits can only be redeemed by the member themselves. Benefits are not redeemable by, nor transferrable to others, unless specifically requested and approved by an authorised Elderton representative.
Benefits are not carried over if you go up or down a tier during your membership period.